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We have laid out an acclerator framework based around the ancient Chakra System for how we structure the foundation of our creative developments. Chakras are commonly thought of as energy vortices, and when spinning properly, each chakra allows energy to flow and move more freely into harmony and alignment. Every chakra has a unique purpose and possesses specific qualities that assist to alchemize our creations into an optimal state of energetic alignment with what we have intentionally set out to manifest.


With a deeper understanding in how these energy centers are connected to the evolution of consciousness, we begin to see how this system can function and be utilized not only for our personal evolution, but also for conscious creation, and the design of conscious communities. These centers of life force when harmonized activates the innate creative intelligence that lives within each of us, and offers us the the ability to harmonize with the universal life force currents of our mother planet.


By mapping out our creative developments with this chakra system framework we are able to maintain harmony throughout our co-creation process and further support the journey of evolving our consciousness as we dance towards restoring planetary harmony and awakening into our highest potiential. 




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Crown Chakra

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Third eye Chakra

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Throat Chakra

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heart Chakra

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solar Chakra

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The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

sacral Chakra

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The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

root Chakra

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The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

The root chakra represents the initial stage of formation and governs our feeling of being able to ground our expanded visions into real world applications in harmonious relationship to Mother Earth.

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